In the collection of “Desiderium ad Universum” from 2013 I dived directly into the depth of the universe and explored the confrontation with the unknown universe that we think actually to know. Accepting and completely acknowledge the truth of what is happening in our world.

“Delicate forms and mellow colors tempt our senses and create unique desserts.
I love to dive. Into the depth of the oceans, into the colours of nature, into the subconscious.
Natural metamorphosis enchantes me, like transformation of tree resin into a healing stone. A precious gold-coloured tear of God seeping from the inside of a nature organism. Encloses everything what’s on its way. Insects and worms haven’t found a way out. And amber has found a way into jewellery.
Inspired by my desire for nature, hidden connections come out in the sun. Wild scenes in the night of the universe – beauty of a discovery. Riding fast on the blue road, ardent movement of a shape . Red shadows follow us, crystalize and grow on a body. An orchestra of galaxies sending signals of colorful tones swinging over the seas, breach the water surface without splash. A taste explosion, fabulous naked miracle of surprise, the true colour of orgiastic blossom. Planet of drops, the horizon is a geyser.”
My latest collection that I have begun in 2014 is called “Frangibilis”. A new material, a new technique for me and new tools I have to use, challenged me. It is about learning and exploring the world, climbing higher hills searching for provocations and efforts.

“Frail souls and thoughts lend us to something white and strong. Burned in the heat of flame and transformed into someone else. White textures on hard but fragile material. With the simplicity of materials they are looking for harmony and individual expression. Opaque bodies and pieces of this preciousness tempt our senses. Working with emotions on a precious material like porcelain and bringing them into it, is like emotions coming out by hearing music.
Dripping and casting and floating porcelain.
Crushable womb,
burning ember,
fading into little lune – fissile and lacerable. “
I have used handmade lace, that I got from my grandmother. Dripping it into liuid porcelain, I was changing the structure and hardness. After a short drying process, the “Porcelain-lace” came into the oven and was burnt at 1300°. What came out, were fragile, thin, white and blue porcelain pieces with no lace inside anymore. The object has changed and so the subjective expectations of the observer. Sometimes we see only what we want to see. Sometimes it’s enough, if the things look like how we expect them. They don’t need to be exactly the same. But on the other hand, we want to know the truth behind the things. So we ask and investigate, make research and are curious. We want to find out how things work, we want to change them in our own way. We are creating our own universe. The need to create is an important and elementary necessity of us all.