Tunica Light-petrol earrings are inspired by marine invertebrate animals. Tunica Light-petrol earrings were made in 2021 as a part of Terra Incognita collection. I chose work in art, creating jewellery, to make my inner world visible. Colours and forms of biological organisms transformed in my mind through my hands. The body of Tunica earrings is made driftwood pieces that are hollow inside and therefore very light. I cut and sand the wood and finish it with ink and lacquer. Under the colour, you can see and feel the structure of the wood. Inspired by sea creatures, I use micro-granules made of coated glass as sand grains and sediments. Precious and non-precious stones are the “eyes” or “tentacles” of my creatures.
The perfection of nature’s forms and the beauty of the material challenge me to create jewellery pieces of resemblant quality. Sometimes, my workbench looks like a natural history collection: Driftwood of a wayward-knotted shape, pieces of coral, lichen, dried scale of a carp, petrified sea shell, amber or a sea urchin skeleton gather there. Divergent material properties meet another in unusual combinations: soft and amorphous runs into hard and edged, translucent stones into matt light absorbing bodies. The gracile and grotesque-looking deep-sea organisms could be also figments. Animal, botanic and mineral seems to flow fluently into each other, nature and phantasy becomes one. My jewellery objects are materialized imaginations. It’s not how the things really are. How they could be – that is the point of aesthetical capability. They are not real shells, skeletons or corals. They are three-dimensional pictures of them. I create forms which report about themselves, are autonomous against the conventions of imitation. And they appear strange for the first blink, till we realize a reflection of our own psyche in it. The creations origin in deeper layers of human consciousness. Feelings, wishes, fears and instincts drift on the bottom of the soul. I love to dive. Into the depth of the oceans, into the colours of nature, into subconscious.