INNERVERSE: solo exhibition at Galerie V&V
Innerverse: solo exhibition at Galerie V&V, will show jewellery works made between 2019 and 2024. Brooches, necklaces and bracelets made of wood, titanium, silver, gold, gems and colors, mainly from the same named collection Innerverse. I choose to work in and for the art of making jewellery to make my inner world visible. Colours and forms of biological organisms transformed in my mind. Nothing, created by humans, is or can ever be perfect. We’re simply trying to achieve the perfect stage created by nature. By making art, we act like magicians who change the viewer’s consciousness. What makes crystals growing into their construction and systems? What brings and controls the flower to arrange its blossoms into complicated inflorescences? Who creates the colorful illustration on the wings of the butterfly or bird? But what has adjust the human eye to consider these with pleasure? Is the human eye a mirror, that nature created for itself, to recognize within like a vainly being?
Exhibition opening – 01.02.-2024 from 18:00 to 20:00, Galerie V&V Bauernmarkt 19, 1010 Wien, Austria
Exhibition will last until March 14, 2024.
Opening times of the Gallery Wednesday to Friday 13:00 to 19:00, Saturday 12:00 to 18:00.
E-mail:, Tel +43 1 5356334, Mobile +43 699 14093221,

We feel what the Earth feels and the Earth feels what we feel.
During the creative process, I dive into its heart. I break through the bedrock.
I recognize its structure, particles connect in front my eyes, like a network of nerve fibers.
Inhale – Exhale.
The creative process is meditation. Intuitive sorting of material and colors.
I Draw new energy and inspiration from silence.
Be kind, be patient and be peaceful.
Through colors my feelings are embedded in my jewellery.
Symbols of love, freedom, trust and loss.
When we deam, we create a new world.
I dreamed about peace and harmony.
About colours and gems.
In an innerverse in the middle of nature’s hideouts where no war exists, only self-shaped wood, fungi and plants with organic forms.
In the innermost of a rotating spiral is a blind spot, spinning like a spirochete.