I created the Roots brooch for the collection Microvita in 2017. The connection between nature, colours and jewellery is for my work elemental. Flora and fauna inspired me, but also by minerals, structures and systems. I’m interrested in unknown details of our physical world and the connection to the unknown parts of our psyche and consciousness. Although we know a lot about our life, there is still much more to learn. For instance, there is a number of animals and living species we still don’t know. Microvita jewellery – this collection is inspired of the theory of Microvita. Micro- Small; Vita- Living. Like a figment of my imagination. Reality as lifestyle is too confining, it is a collective feeling. Doors to the other worlds – Doors to other perception – Doors of fantasy and jewelry. An infinite metamorphosis of a butterfly and life. Unrestless energy changes its form, in one moment body to spirit, in another thought to word. Word turns to act, act turns to character. Materials’ metamorphose change the colour and composition. It takes a new shape and charisma. It represents a thought of an immortal energy. Micro-life creating structure. Organized creativity particles. Like Roots they connect the jewellery brooch with our desire to decorate ourselves. Jewellery as artistic medium celebrates passionate love for all human assets and its freedom of expression. Jewellery embodies emotions, it materializes itself in its thoughts and symbolizes its stance. The growth, the symbiosis of the material and the idea, to show how true life is.